CAYENNE PEPPER CURE (Cancer Apoptosis)

The studies say capsaicin is the agent that is shown to kill cancer cells.

What is Capsaicin? Capsaicin is the key component of peppers of the Capsicum genus of the Solanaceae family of which cayenne pepper is a member.

It is a chemical compound that stimulates the chemoreceptor nerve endings and in your

mucous membranes. Furthermore, capsaicin is a compound that is among the group of

capsaicinoids and are produced as a secondary metabolite by chili peppers.

It’s the capsaicin that makes cayenne pepper hot, and it's the capsaicin that causes

mucus membranes to react.

Continuing as reported by the BBC, another study conducted at the University of

Nottingham in England strongly suggests that it is the compound capsaicin that is able

to trigger apoptosis in lung- and pancreatic-cancer cells.

There have also been several clinical studies conducted in Japan and China that showed

natural capsaicin directly inhibits the growth of leukemic cells as well.

So does this mean a new cancer drug is right around the corner? No and I personally

doubt there ever will be.

You see Big Pharma and cancer research institutes (and government) learned long ago what

good poker players know: you can shear a sheep many times but you can kill it only once.

The War on Cancer, as declared by U.S. President Richard Nixon in 1971, is a perfect

example of that. You see, that war was always meant to be a war much like the war in

Vietnam or in Iraq: It is a war that is never meant to be won, it is a war that is meant

to be sustained.

For you see, by prolonging those wars in Iraq and Vietnam, greater profits are made for

the Military Industrial Establishment and Big Oil. So it is with Big Pharma and the

government for there are large tax revenues and research funds in the billions to be

derived therewith.

In the article produced by the BBC, Josephine Querido, Cancer Information Officer at the

Cancer Research UK commented that, "This research does not suggest that eating vast

quantities of chilli pepper will help prevent or treat cancer. The experiments showed

that pepper extracts killed cancer cells grown in the laboratory, but these have not yet

been tested to see if they are safe and effective in humans."

Not tested to see if they are safe and effective in humans" ... Please!!!

Numerous human beings consume hot chili peppers, cayenne pepper and other high-capsaicin

foods on a daily basis throughout the world and have for centuries.



Skin cancer update! Three months ago I started using a product called Curaderm for squamous cell skin cancer on my face ...And I promised I let you all know how it went... Well, I am so happy to report that I’m skin cancer free! I saw my dermatologist, Dr. Julia T. Hunter, last week and we are both so excited about the results....Especially because before I met Dr. Hunter, I had two surgeries that did not get rid of the skin cancer. Why? It’s easy to have a cell left in the skin that surgery misses, and then, in time, that cell multiplied and you’re back where you started. Curederm Is a plant extract cream made from eggplant. I put it on the spot, just under my eye, twice a day for three months. Curaderm goes after the cancer, and I had a hole in my face for about a month the size of a pea (Which I covered with tape; hardly anyone noticed.) Then, it heals the skin one layer at a time. It didn’t hurt and it was easy to take care of. There are so many protocols for healing squamous and basal cell skin cancer that we are not educated about. You can find Curaderm online, or ask your dermatologist about it. It’s not new. If they have never recommended it before, see Dr. Julia Hunter. She’s the best.


Honour Helena Miller Yes its cancer:( I've been dealing w it for a few yrs. I had mohs surgery 3 yrs ago on a cancer mole above my left eye. It was 24 stitches. It was way worse than I anticipated. I'm trying 2 avoid that surgery. This is a slow brutal treatment BUT still better than mohs. Mohs blowz

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